January 14, 2025

Author - Rafavideoart

Filmmaker, visual artist, and photographer Rafavideoart studied at the Academy of Arts in Banská Bystrica and the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. Since 2009, he has been documenting the growing nationalism and far-right groups within the Visegrád Group countries. In Slovakia, he is actively involved in transforming the segregation walls surrounding the Roma communities.

Filmár, vizuálny umelec a fotograf Rafavideoart študoval na Akadémii umení v Banskej Bystrici a na Akadémii výtvarných umení vo Varšave. Od roku 2009 dokumentuje rastúci nacionalizmus a ultrapravicové skupiny v priestore Vyšehradskej štvorky. Na Slovensku sa angažuje v pretváraní segregačných múrov ohraničujúcich rómskej komunity.

Occupy The PEP = Stop the Vote to Close Schools

New York, USA, 9.2.2012This Thursday, the Department of Education’s Panel for Educational Policy (PEP) will convene again to determine the fate of 25 schools the city is trying to close down.Since the majority of the panel is appointed by Mayor Bloomberg – and has never voted against his will – this decision will be easy for them. The Panel has never heard or been responsive to voices of real students, parents, teachers, and community members...

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Occupy Town Square II., West Park Presbyterian Church

New York, USA, 11.2.2012. On February 11th Occupy Town Square at the West Park Presbyterian Church on west 86th St brought together activists young and old, seasoned veterans and newcomers, Marxists, anarchists, socialists, bloggers, screen-printers, dreamers, and me. Walking in I found myself unexpectedly incredibly moved by the atmosphere of camaraderie and, dare I say it, family. It felt so good to be together again in solidarity, occupying...

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Occupy against Police brutality in NY (murder of Rahmarley Graham)

Bronx, New York, USA, 4.2.2012. New yorkers rallied and marched in the Bronx to protest the beating of Jatiek Reed by four NYPD police officers and the murder of Rahmarley Graham by another NYPD police officer. Today was also the 13th anniversary of the NYPD murder of Amadou Diallo. On Thursday, January 26th, Jatiek Reed, 19, was beaten by Sgt. Mervin Montalban and Officers Alfonsina Delacruz, Jodi Brown and Robert Jaquez and arrested on false...

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Occupy Banks of America, Shut Down the Corporations F29

NEW YORK, USA, 29.02.2012. A few dozen Occupy Wall Street protestors marched on the world headquarters of pharmaceutical giant Pfizer Inc. on Wednesday, a lukewarm kick off to a nationwide day of revival for the movement loosely organized around denouncing economic inequality. Police on motorcycles escorted the peaceful but loud group of about 50 protestors marching from the park outside the New York Public Library to nearby Pfizer, close to...

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V47: Protest against corruption in Czech parliament in Prague

Prague, Czech republic, 15.3.2012 In a wave of public discontent, citizens across Czech cities, including Prague and Brno, have taken to the streets to express their dissatisfaction with the current government. The demonstrations, organized by grassroots movements, spotlight concerns about corruption, economic inequality, and environmental policies. These diverse protesters, united by their shared frustration, demand a more responsive and...

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V41: Protest “Gorila” against corruption in Slovakia

The police intervention at the Gorilla Protest in Bratislava on March 9, one day before the general election, is set to be investigated by the Office of the General Prosecutor after 172 citizens submitted complaints over the matter, the Gorilla Protest Civil Movement announced on Tuesday, April 10. The civil movement claims that the police “were misused against defenceless people” in what it says was an “unlawful and brutal...

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Marsch für s’Läbe … 1000 crosses

Zürich (Switzerland), 15.9.2011.Nach den Ausschreitungen in der Nacht kam es am Samstagnachmittag wieder zu Ausschreitungen in Zürich. Linksautonome versuchten eine Kundgebung von Abtreibungsgegnern zu verhindern. Die Polizei setzte Tränengas ein. Linksautonome hatten dazu aufgerufen, eine Kundgebung christlicher und rechtskonservativer Abtreibungsgegnerinnen und – gegner vom Samstagnachmittag in der Zürcher Innenstadt zu stören.Verletzt...

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“Aussitzen” protest against nuclear factory (BKW)

Mühleberg (Switzerland), 4.9.2011. Sie führte 12 Männer und 14 Frauen weg, die beim Wasserkraftwerk die Strasse Richtung AKW versperrt hatten. Die Teilnehmenden leisteten beim Polizei-Einsatz nach übereinstimmenden Berichten von Aktivisten und Polizei keinen Widerstand. Die Aktivisten wurden nach einer Befragung wieder auf freien Fuss gesetzt. Sie werden verzeigt wegen Störung des öffentlichen Verkehrs, Ungehorsams gegen eine amtliche Verfügung...

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V39: Národná púť k soche Svätopluka

On August 7, 2010, around 100 supporters of the People’s Party – Our Slovakia gathered at Hodžovo Square in Bratislava to participate in the “National Pilgrimage to the Statue of King Svätopluk.” The participants marched from the meeting point through Palisády towards Bratislava Castle, where the statue of Svätopluk is located. According to the march organizer, Marián Mišún, the pilgrimage is intended to honor history and the...

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V40: Queer Parade “Dúhový pride 2010” Bratislava

Bratislava, the capital city of Slovakia, was the site of historical first Pride Parade for the rights of LGBTQ individuals on May 22, 2010. The event was marred by violent clashes with members of the far-right extremist group, the Slovak Solidarity, who threw stones and tear gas grenades at the participants of the parade. Many of the LGBTQ individuals suffered injuries in these confrontations. The march, which began at Hviezdoslav Square in the...

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