October 22, 2024

Author - Rafavideoart

Filmmaker, visual artist, and photographer Rafavideoart studied at the Academy of Arts in Banská Bystrica and the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. Since 2009, he has been documenting the growing nationalism and far-right groups within the Visegrád Group countries. In Slovakia, he is actively involved in transforming the segregation walls surrounding the Roma communities.

Filmár, vizuálny umelec a fotograf Rafavideoart študoval na Akadémii umení v Banskej Bystrici a na Akadémii výtvarných umení vo Varšave. Od roku 2009 dokumentuje rastúci nacionalizmus a ultrapravicové skupiny v priestore Vyšehradskej štvorky. Na Slovensku sa angažuje v pretváraní segregačných múrov ohraničujúcich rómskej komunity.

V90: Humanitarian Crisis Unfolding at the Polish-Belarus Border

The Polish-Belarus border has become a focal point of a burgeoning humanitarian crisis, drawing global attention as refugees find themselves trapped in a perilous situation. What started as a political standoff between the European Union (EU) and Belarus has evolved into a dire situation at the border, with vulnerable individuals bearing the brunt of the escalating tensions. The crisis began in 2021 when Belarus, under President Alexander...

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V89: We will not be silent. In memory of Matúš and Juraj

Four days after the planned murder of Matúš and Juraj on Zámocká Street, a gathering took place in their memory. The event, titled “Staying in the Streets – Antifascist March through the City,” wound its way from SNP Square to the Parliament building. Participants voiced solidarity with LGBTQ+ communities and emphatically rejected fascism in all its guises. During the rally at the Parliament building, speakers reiterated the...

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V87: Hooligans attack Queer parade in Białystok (2019)

On July 20th, 2019, a Pride parade in the city of Bialystok, Poland turned violent when far-right groups clashed with LGBTQ activists. However, as the parade began, counter-protesters began to hurl insults and objects at the marchers, including rocks, bottles, and firecrackers. Some counter-protesters even attempted to break through police barriers to physically attack the parade participants. The violence continued to escalate throughout the...

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V85: Hooligans attack Queer parade in Lublin 2018

On October 13th, 2018, Lublin, a city in eastern Poland, held its first-ever LGBTQ+ Pride parade. The event, organized by Lublin Equality Parade, was intended to promote tolerance and acceptance of the LGBTQ+ community and celebrate diversity. Despite the parade being a peaceful demonstration, it was met with hostility from anti-LGBTQ+ protesters. An estimated 200 counter-demonstrators showed up to disrupt the celebrations, throwing bottles...

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V86: Protest of Czech far rights DSSS and Kotleba’s ĽSNS in Dubí

On August 20th, 2018, far-right groups in the Czech Republic organized a protest in Dubí, a small town near the border with Germany. The protest was in response to a recent incident at a local swimming pool between two women. The far-right groups, including the far-right political party DSSS, used the incident as a rallying cry against what they saw as an increase in crime and violence perpetrated by immigrants and minorities. They claimed that...

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V84: National Independence Day in Warsaw (2017)

Tens of thousands of nationalists marched in a demonstration organized by far-right groups in Warsaw on November 11th, 2017, as Poles celebrated their country’s Independence Day. The far-right march has become one of the largest such demonstrations in Europe, overshadowing official state observances and other patriotic events. Participants carried banners depicting a far-right symbol dating to the 1930s and expressed sympathy for...

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V83: Feminists block march of Polish far right Mlodziez Wszechpolska and ONR in Warsaw

On Thursday, August 17th, 2017, police in Poland forcefully removed feminist activists who were participating in a sit-in to block the route of a far-right rally in central Warsaw. The Women’s Strike group and activists from Obywatele RP, who aimed to defend democratic principles in Poland, were attempting to prevent several dozen extremists from marching on Poland’s Armed Forces Day. The feminist protesters, many holding photos of...

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V82: Far right May Day in Brno 2017

01.05.2017 Brno residents are not planning to block the 1 May march by the ultra-right convened by the Workers’ Youth this year. Instead, they are calling on people through Facebook to organize creative, entertaining, non-violent activities in the city center on 1 May under the slogan “You can’t salute the Nazis if you’re having a good time” (“Kdo si hraje, nehajluje”). In recent years, 1 May in Brno has...

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Far-Right Nationalist March of ONR in Warsaw

On April 29, 2017, the far-right nationalist group Obóz Narodowo-Radykalny (ONR, or National Radical Camp) held a controversial march in Warsaw, Poland. The event marked the anniversary of the ONR’s founding in the 1930s, an era when the group was known for its xenophobic, anti-Semitic, and ultra-nationalist agenda. The march was met with widespread criticism from human rights organizations, left-wing activists, and civic groups. Opponents...

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V81: Biggest march of nationalists and far right extremists in Europe 2016

On November 11th, 2016, Poland celebrated its Independence Day, but the day was marred by controversy over the Marsz Niepodleglosci (March of Independence) organized by far-right groups. The march attracted tens of thousands of participants, many of whom carried banners with slogans promoting nationalism and anti-immigrant sentiment. The march began peacefully, but as it progressed, tensions rose, and there were reports of violence and hate...

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